The Making of Sundown

December 2, 2020

Meet @Mikkiauld owner of @mikkiauldhair  in West End, Brisbane

These days Mikki is rarely a hairdresser and more of an empire ruler, she works extremely hard, she’s innovative and always learning. We love how honest and raw Mikki is about all things life and biz. She recently did a IGTV on the 20 big lessons she’s learnt since being in business that’s definitely worth checking out! Check out our mini interview below with the boss woman herself!




What an incredible business you have built, when you started out on this journey, what was your dream for your business and how did you fulfil this dream?

My mission was to create a safe space for like-minded humans and to contribute to Brisbane’s creative culture. I’d always envisioned a multifunctional space, where we were much more than hairdressing. Over the last few years that I’ve been in business, my aesthetic has grown and changed; my goals have also shifted and there’s so much more I hope to create. I feel as though I’ve barely scratched the surface! Fulfilling your dreams takes a load of dedication, discipline and enormous courage. It all pays off in the end!


We cannot even begin to imagine the stress of running a business of your kind during a global pandemic! Can you tell us, what have you learnt most about yourself and your business during this time?

I think what stood out most for me, was the realisation that I have indeed, created something really fricken amazing! I’m naturally quite driven and am always on the go, I never really take a moment to pause. The pandemic kind of forced me to do so and it was a really powerful time where I was able to reflect and feel so grateful. It also allowed me to really put pen to paper and I began to look at the bigger picture. I just kind of thought to myself, holy heck, I’ve created such a strong brand and I am so capable. I’m gonna go and achieve everything I want out of life.


One thing that drew us towards you Mikki was your passion for sustainability. What does sustainability mean to u?

I ramble on A LOT about my upbringing and it’s because it created the foundation for the person I am today. Growing up in the country is so special and I was so lucky to be surrounded by a lot of space. You are so closely connected to the natural world. Coming from a farming family, your livelihood is so dependent on the earth and on the weather; you learn from a young age, both should never be taken for granted. I suppose I’ve always felt it my mission to do my bit and to live a conscious life. To create a “movement” within an industry that is otherwise, quite wasteful.


What advice would you give to a business that is looking at using their space for events and photoshoots after hours?

Think about who your target audience is and the type of humans you’d like to have sharing and creating within your space. I chose to keep Mikki Auld Hairdressing quite clean, open and minimalist in order to cater for a variety of different events and workshops. There are not many fixtures and everything can be easily changed and rearranged. Personally, my style is quite different but I did want M.A.H to be a blank canvas, so it could be used for so many different things. As I said, my mission was to create a safe and beautiful space for like-minded humans and that was at the forefront of my mind when I was coming up with the overall design and aesthetic. Plus, teaming up with the likes of Aloca makes it sooo much easier and streamlines the admin side of things.


We absolutely love your use of space at MAH. Can you tell us about your plans and vision for sundown?

Between you and me, I was intending on a complete rebrand, as it was never my intention to use my name for my business! Calling M.A.H “Sundown” when the lights go out, allows me to grow my brand in a different way and potentially creates an entirely new business venture. I’m still nutting out where exactly I’d like to take it but I am trying to create passive income through another brand and who knows what I might do with it! I was thinking it could be the name for my 2nd salon/creative space, should I open one in the future. Fun fact, I thought of the name while I was listening to “Hillbilly Deluxe” with my sister, haha!

Social Media event with Hayleigh Bennet at Sundown

Final question, if you could offer one free piece of advice to a female start up what would it be?

Starting your own venture will require big balls, but god damn, it’s satisfying when you start to see it grow! Knowing that I am curating my own future, is such a powerful and kick arse energy to be immersed in. I’ve changed so much as a person because of my business. I depend on me, and that’s the greatest feeling in the world. You are capable of much more than you think and take other peoples advice with a grain of salt. Everything you can imagine is real, all you need is hard work, confidence and grit. I’d recommend it to any woman.


If you want a LOL or to learn a thing or two head over to the wonder woman’s page and see what she’s all about ⚡️

Mikki Auld Hairdressing:

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