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Welcome to Majestic Midcentury - Step into timeless luxury at Majestic Midcentury, a one-of-a-kind penthouse that fuses midcentury modern charm with awe-inspiring 180-degree panoramic views. From the vibrant Melbourne CBD skyline to the tranquil expanse of Port Phillip Bay, this extraordinary location offers an unforgettable backdrop for photo and film shoots. Spanning both indoor and outdoor spaces, the penthouse showcases the elegance of iconic 1950s–1970s design: vintage teak furnishings, a harmonious blue and green color palette, and sweeping curved architecture that frames the views like works of art. The Palm Springs-inspired terrace—with its vibrant outdoor styling and Slim Aarons aesthetic—creates a relaxed yet sophisticated atmosphere, perfect for luxurious shoots, high-end projects, and private launches. With its unique blend of period elegance, modern comfort, and accommodating hosts, Majestic Midcentury promises to elevate any creative vision into an extraordinary experience.

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Majestic Midcentury

Port Melbourne 4 hrs min.
Full Day Price: $2,900.00
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